Deschamps: There's no anxiety in the French team

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France manager Didier Deschamps ommented on withdrawal of several of key players from 2022 World Cup.

"There's no apprehension. We have done everything possible," said Deschamps. "There's no anxiety, everyone is calm and there are cool heads."

"You think I can just click my fingers and someone can say, 'OK, I will be a leader, I will give pep talks and lead the squad to victory'? No, it's something that comes with time.

"Rome wasn't built in a day, it can't happen overnight, but we have what we need. We have enough players who are able to stimulate, get others going, talk in the dressing rooms, on the pitch, on the sidelines.

"But there are other types of leadership, it's not just about speaking. If it is speaking to blow hot air then it's not really worth it. It's important that each player is a leader in their position, then we'll see what they are made of on the pitch."

"I've got 25 players in my squad. I'm convinced I have the efficient number of players to be able to deal with the challenges we face."

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